The Deeply Disturbing Truth About Blue Sky Church in Bellevue and its Network of Churches: Sex Crimes, Cover Ups and Manipulations
Author’s Note: Trigger warning, the following content contains sensitive topics such as sexual assault, sex crimes, and discussions of various abuses which may be disturbing to readers. Viewer discretion is advised.
Some of you may have heard of Colleen Ballinger or Miranda Sings. She is a YouTuber who has gained a lot of media attention the past couple of weeks for grooming children. Her entire persona was portrayed as silly and children friendly. However, she’s been found to have sent nude photos of other influencers to minors, sending her bras and underwear to children, and many other disturbing behaviors. The reason why she’s been able to hide in plain sight is because people have been afraid to speak out. Nonetheless, truth prevails.
In today’s blog, I won’t be talking about a famous Youtuber involved in inappropriate behavior. I am going to share about the sex crimes of the founder of Blue Sky church, the current pastors at Blue Sky Church response, and the manipulations that continue. I’ve previously shared about the various ways Blue Sky Church behaves in a three part blog series: part 1, part 2, part 3. However, in light of such deeply disturbing information — I can not stay silent. The way which the pastors of Blue Sky Church operate and the members of Blue Sky Church operate are absolutely unacceptable and dangerous.
Our story starts with one man, by the name of Steve Morgan. Here’s how Steve frames his faith in his manifesto, page 5: “I had not grown up as a Christian, the traditions and styles of churches were foreign to me.” He continues his story of meeting his small group leader Larry Anderson. Steve felt called to plant a Vineyard Church in Carbondale IL, now known as Vine Church. After some time, Steve felt called again to plant a church in Seattle. Steve Morgan started Blue Sky Church in 2004.

What Steve doesn’t mention was that he was originally grew up as part of RLDS (Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints). This group is a different branch of Mormonism. As a young man, Steve was ordained as an elder in this organization (Source with newspaper clippings). Later, he was kicked out of this group because of his sex crime.
When Steve was serving as a youth group leader in 1987, Steve had unlawful sexual conduct with an underaged boy or more specifically, “aggravated criminal sodomy against a minor”. In my opinion, certainly a round about way of saying child rape - a felony level sex crime. The founder of Blue Sky Church is a child rapist. Unfortunately laws back then were not as stringent, as a result Steve and the prosecutor completed a diversion agreement whereby Steve agreed to do certain things to avoid full prosecution.

When such news broke, it made national news in the Christian media outlets such as The Royes Report, and Ministry Watch. One might imagine in light of such news, the current pastors of Blue Sky Church would be appalled and even distance themselves away from Steve. One might imagine Steve might step down as a pastor of Joshua Church. Neither have happened. This was the response of the pastors.

“We will not reply in detail to the issues and accusations… We reaffirm our commitment to serve alongside him in this work… Furthermore, he has continued to walk in character, integrity and purity since he has become a follower of Jesus.”
None of these are accusations, but truths. There is documented court documents and evidence. All the pastors stand by a child rapist. These pastors are child rape apologists. These pastors even lie about Steve Morgan to the members. At Blue Sky, Krsevan Penzar, Aaron Wang, David Jang, Alexander Chery, Harry Xue all stand by this child rapist.
From a yelp review:
“The reason we left: Back in October 2021 during one of the team meetings (one Sunday a month that people who serve/volunteer in the church can meet), a small blurb was mentioned about not believing what is being said online. My wife and I had no idea what he, Krsh, lead pastor now at Blue Sky, was referring to. A week later my wife found this website “LeavingTheNetwork” which talked a lot about problems within the network. When I started reading through many of these I will admit I blew them off as just attacks upon the church from people who don’t like the way the network is run since no pastor there has gone through seminary nor even counseling to help lead the church. These guys are raised up from the church itself, generally young 20s fresh out of college waiting to start their career until God calls them (typically Steve and pastors would pick these people and tell them) to lead, then they give up their career and work for the church.
After Christmas 2021 more stories started coming out on the website, but this time from people who I knew and looked highly upon as they were once leaders of some sort or another in the church and now exposing it. I vaguely remember my old small group leader telling me not to read any of the website and not to believe it (this was at Christmas). Two months later, in February my wife and I finally decided to pull the plug from Blue Sky and the network. We invited our old small group leaders over for dinner (the ones who told us not to read or listen to the website) to break the news to them, but they beat us to the punch and informed us that they were leaving due to the network issues, we were totally blown away and lead to a great conversation.
Fast forward a few months until now, I’ve stayed quiet on this as I didn’t really want to go out and inform everyone as the information is out there, but after the latest news last Friday, made from one of the past overseers who had to hold onto this knowledge for years. Steve Morgan, the main leader of the entire church network, back in 1986 while he was a Youth Leader for a Mormon church, at 22 years old committed “forced sodomy” with a 15 year old boy. The LeavingTheNetwork website has come across the scanned files from the court and it reads the committed act is ‘forced sodomy on a minor’. I read the entire court document, to me it is very disturbing. Steve kept this a secret with only a few leaders in the church until 2019 when he told all leaders what had happened. Now I am not sure what he “told” them but what I can say is that last Sunday at Blue Sky (I heard from others who still go there) that during the morning announcements they said that there has been sexual misconduct that has come up in regards to the main leader, Steve Morgan, and that more will be addressed at the Team meeting later that night. He also mentioned that this Team meeting is open to all. I got word that on Sunday night, Krsh had addressed this as Steve had consensual sexual activity with a boy in their late teens. Krsh lied, I cannot stay silent any longer!”
Has Steve Morgan continued to walk in character, integrity and purity? Well in 2007, Steve Morgan publicly masturbated on a trail (Source). Sandor Paull, a pastor in Steve’s network of churches, shares “And the next thing will be, by the way, distortion of an event from 10 plus years ago, with a confession of masturbation.” (Source) There is a demonstrated pattern of sex crimes.
The founder of Blue Sky Church is a child rapist and public masturbator. The pastors of Blue Sky Church are child rape apologists and liars. The members of Blue Sky Church are told to toe the line or be kicked out. As a result, the members will also defend Steve Morgan and choose to be child rape apologists and liars in the same way the pastors are.
I’ll make this absolutely clear, child rape is absolutely unacceptable. Defending or supporting child rapists makes you a child rape apologist. I publicly disavow anyone in support of Blue Sky Church and its members. This has been the “Deeply Disturbing Truth About Blue Sky Church in Bellevue and its Network of Churches: Sex Crimes, Cover Ups and Manipulations”.
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