The joy of being nothing

Frank Liu
2 min readJun 12, 2022

The more I live life, the more I realize how valuable my inner peace is. Learning to keep my breathing steady, and my head cool. My intentions proper and my walk upright. These are all things I try to do to maintain my inner peace.

The greatest disruptor to my peace is comparison. There is great wisdom in the saying that comparison is the thief of joy. Comparisons, hierarchies, the who’s whos and the what’s what.

This is something I see all the time — when it comes to career. People pine for the careers at the expense of their inner peace. Is it worth that sacrifice at the end of the day? People treat others worse based on particular positions. Is it worth damaging each another’s inner peace just to have the fleeting feeling superiority? When you hurt others, whether you know it or now, you are also hurting yourself — chipping away at your soul causing instability for your inner peace.

Hierarchies present stumbling blocks which prevent us from seeing another person for who they are. All these judgements based on outward formalities cloud our eyes from seeing another’s humanity. How heart breaking this is.

There is no shame in honest hard work. There is no shame in giving your all. There is no shame in caring for those around you. For choosing the important things in life at the expense of the world. There is no shame in nothing. Because you have everything to be proud of!

I’ve learned to enjoy the joy of being nothing. It is a warm pleasant feeling. I am me, and I am nothing. You are you and you are nothing. In nothing, we can be everything. In nothing, we are one and the same.

No longer am I burdened from carrying airs. I don’t need to waste my time with people who only see me as an opportunity. There’s nothing to gain, because I am nothing.

Let us drop the artificial hierarchies and embrace each other for who they are. Let us value each other regardless of background and experiences. I embrace the joy of nothing. I can do nothing. But in nothing, I can do everything.

Author’s aside: Perhaps, reader, this doesn’t make sense to you. I pray that one day you can also come to such an understanding.

